Realty Agent Website Re-Design

Delivering a ‘Wow’ Factor for a Maryland Real Estate Business


EverGreen Home Solutions LLC

Excellent customer service and great quality work.”

Oliver Daley


The pain point

Evergreen Home Solutions, a real estate business in Maryland, was operating with a limited Wix website that failed to capture the essence of their brand. The existing site was plain and lacked engagement, constraining the company’s ability to stand out in a competitive market. The client sought a professional and distinctive online presence that would leave a lasting impression on visitors.

The Prescription

We tackled this challenge by migrating the site from Wix to WordPress, unlocking a world of design possibilities. We developed a visually striking website featuring:

Our Approach




Quality Assurance

Our Result

The new brand identity perfectly captured the client’s vision, featuring a clever, image-rich logo and a sleek, engaging website. The WordPress platform provided flexibility for future growth and easy updates.